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The Quest team is made up of expert, inspirational and transformational chiropractic coaches ready to lead your practice into a more profitable and less stressful future.

Let Quest be the catalyst for change in your practice, team and life.

Mark Postles – CEO & Pilot

Mark graduated in 1975 from Palmer College of Chiropractic. As a practitioner he has operated a number of successful family lifestyle focused practices. He currently conducts a multi-doctor practice in Australia.

As a facilitator of improved professional standards Mark coaches and speaks with audiences around the world. He is passionate about facilitating change in practices that results in transformation of teams and practice members.

Mark believes there is much to be done to ensure that chiropractic assumes its rightful role as an integral component of every person’s healthy lifestyle. He is committed to equipping chiropractors philosophically, scientifically, technically and politically in order to attain this position.

Greg Venning – Pilot

Greg graduated from the University of Johannesburg in 2005 and knows the challenges of starting and growing practices – he has started and run multiple practice bases in 2 countries as both owner and associate. He now runs a multi-doctor practice in Cape Town, South Africa.

After travelling internationally to gain experience, Greg is now an author, international speaker and ABC™ instructor. His breadth of exposure to the profession at many levels gives him valuable perspective on day-to-day practice and future growth.

Greg believes that the success of the profession depends on successful Chiropractors running flourishing businesses. Your prosperity is necessary for us to move Chiropractic to the next level and Greg wants to help you move the needle in your own practice and in the profession.

Karen Kulevski-Gibb – Pilot

Karen recently joined our team as a Pilot, her Bio is coming soon!

Nimrod Mueller – Pilot

At our very greatest, we are greater than we could ever imagine. That’s where the bigness of chiropractic starts.

This is a wisdom that the world is wanting to be known.

It also wants you to know this: you are important. And, the world wants you. And it wants you at your best.

And when you’re at your best, you’re ridiculously magnificent, awesome, kind, courageous and compassionate and highly contributive. You’re worthy.
You’re important to those around you, and to the course of history.

It’s important that you’re at your best.

Here’s a great story: chiropractic can help you get there.

And chiropractic has the potential to impact the life of every person, and the World at large. To create a shift, to a totally new way of being.

You are important for this journey, this transformation. And, there is a definable path that will help each of us get there.

I am absolutely dedicated to ensuring that chiropractors have a greater vision, broader understanding, and deeper connection, creating masterful results, and ever-greater impact.

I am absolutely dedicated to helping chiropractors co-create awe-inspiring transformations.

In the physical, professional and political plane, here is how I have been playing: I have been serving as a Head of Unit in the Barcelona College of Chiropractic, I was a long-standing board member of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, the chiropractic association of Australia (NSW state branch), and played in equivalent positions in the UK and Spain. I practice in Barcelona and am trying to convince my husband to think that it’s a good idea to buy a bloody large piece of land and give back to the Earth!

I believe that the key to the success of chiropractors is in building their curiosity, confidence, certainty and credibility in chiropractic, in a way that is congruent with the philosophy of chiropractic. The work to be done is to deepen the exploration of the philosophy of chiropractic and refine its congruent application at every level – with its paradigm, science, practice, communication, and politics. And to dare to even take it to the cosmic level.
Doing so will create chiropractic to be the beacon of hope that galvanises humanity and sets it on a better path for the future.

If you are up for playing in the field of masterful co-creation and life-shifting chiropractic, I am delighted to be on the journey with you.

A big, warm hug.

Emma Stirton – Pilot

Emma has been involved in transformative coaching since 2019. She has been a coach with Quest Chiropractic Coaching for the past year and has recently completed a master’s in Applied Epigenetic’s, Emma understands how our internal and external environment drastically effect our life’s output. This includes the patterns that built the lens through which we currently see the world which is a result of life experienced in one’s formative years.

Emma works gently with unpacking your patterns and helping you understand why you do the things you do… especially those things that hinder your growth or keep you going around in the same circle. With her 25+ year connection to chiropractic, first as a practice member, then a chiropractic assistant and now as a chiropractor she can link this to your practice success. Whether it be your business, your employees, your connection to your practice members, your adjusting style, table talk, intuition and flow when adjusting, Emma will allow you to see beyond the capacity that you currently know yourself.

Emma has applied these principles herself, from the moment she started practicing. As a first-year graduate, she turned a dwindling practice around from losing ‘patients’ each week to serving 100 + ‘people’ a day! In her first year.

Emma believes that we cannot take people beyond the path that we have walked ourselves. You will feel her natural way-show-ing ability as she walks beside you in your transformation.

She sees that humanity as a whole requires upleveling, and she takes this on as a personal responsibility. She feels that chiropractors have the philosophy and understanding to be the roots and guiding light for the expansion waiting to happen in each individual. This is why she is so passionate about coaching with Quest.

If you’re graced with the softness of Emma’s smile and her gentle, seductive way of holding up a mirror, you will know that you’re in the right place. She has only one thing to say to you: “Welcome home.”

Chiropractic coach Eilidh Venning

Eilidh Venning – Pilot

Eilidh, also known as Eils, is a highly experienced Chiropractic Assistant. With a background in Chiropractic that spans over two decades, she has a proven track record of success. Eilidh began her journey as a practice member in Scotland and quickly became a Chiropractic Assistant and then Practice Manager, working for the largest Chiropractic group in Europe. During her time there, she was instrumental in growing the organization from nine to twenty-two practices in just two years.

Today, Eilidh co-owns an associate-driven practice in Cape Town, South Africa with her husband Greg.

Eilidh has a wealth of experience in Chiropractic and bfostering a positive and productive relationship between Chiropractic Assistants and Chiropractors, Eilidh can help to ensure that each member of the team is able to work together effectively to achieve common goals and provide high-quality care to practice members. This can lead to increased satisfaction among practice members, better practice member outcomes, and improved practice growth and profitability.

Eilidh is a passionate advocate for Chiropractic and its transformative power, having seen its impact not only in her own life but in the lives of her family and practice members. This passion is evident in her work and extends into her life. She believes that the strength of a Chiropractic practice lies in the competence and training of its Chiropractic Assistants, and that well-established policies and procedures are key to a practice’s success and growth. Her extensive experience and knowledge make her a valuable asset to any Chiropractic professional looking to improve their practice.

Want a FREE consultation with one of our Chiropractic Coaches?

We will identify 4 key areas where you and your practice are stuck, and how we can help!

Praise from our amazing Clients

I first took on Quest to investigate ways to move from being a workhorse of an associate to having the freedom of my own practice. This I achieved in a short few months and now I run a wonderful, funky and cool practice. But that is not the most of what I have gotten from being with Quest.

Quest is as important to me as being adjusted. Thank you for all I have achieved in the past; thank you for what I am achieving now; and thank you for what I’m still to achieve in the future!

Patrick Sim, DC

Joining Quest has proven to be one of the best paths I have chosen. In my three years of coaching, I’ve rediscovered who I am and my purpose. I went from having some vague ideas about where I wanted to go to with no real idea how to get there, to creating possibilities and having the possibilities become reality!!

Anne Jensen DC

When ever you want to become better in something you need to practice and to practice you need a coach. A COACH, a MENTOR is what Quest has been to me. The Quest program has the focus on YOU and where you are in yourself, your life and of course in Chiropractic. I benefit a lot from my time with QCC. Thank you!

Fredrik Julin, DC , Sweden