Warning. This article has a push towards Quest and its services – a sort of infomercial if you will. It is in response to the questions and situations we encounter with chiropractors seeking our services on a daily basis and I thought it worthy of discussion.
As a chiropractor in the ‘trenches’, it is easy to cocoon within your practice ‘bubble’ and not notice the familiar things that are not working but you still keep doing.
There is one thing that is for sure and that is that everything is in a constant state of change – nothing ever stays the same and if there is an attempt (conscious or unconscious) to keep them the same as they used to be the practice is going backwards.
Reinvention and redesign should be an integral part of your personal and practice development whether you are a new grad or you’ve been in the chiropractic community for many years.
When it comes to development there are some inherent challenges. It is difficult to notice that which is so familiar that it is a normal part of you or your practice. When a behaviour or a way of thinking is part of your identity your brain creates a scotoma or blind spot and it’s pretty tricky to notice it let alone address it.
As you are aware it is usual for a great performer in any field to have someone observing them and supplying input. It could be in the form of a trainer, a coach, a mentor, a brains trust, an accountability group or a combination of some of these. One thing is for sure is that a high-level performer will enrol others to hold them accountable so that they do the things they don’t necessarily want to do to get the things that they say they want to get.
The value of another person walking alongside you with your interests at heart is that they will notice things that are invisible to you. If you can’t see them you can’t change them.
The value of this Wayshower (note that this is a word the I made up and it is described further down in this article), is that they get to show you another way and this will save you in time, money and frustration by preventing you from having to re-invent the wheel. This enables you to start where others have left off or as some say, stand on the shoulders of ‘giants’, which is always a smart thing to do.
We, at Quest, have worked with large numbers of chiropractors and CAs over the last 30 years and many of our clients and ex-clients would be found in a Who’s Who of chiropractic. We find that whilst there are certain outcomes that chiropractors have from their coaching, which appear to be similar, the approach to them is very different depending on the individual chiropractor.
It’s important to ensure that coaching fits with the individual person’s values, beliefs, outcomes and goals and to that end, we deliver a very customized and personalized coaching service as follows.
The chiropractic perspective is one of above, down and inside out and this is the basis of our coaching model. The type of coaching that we use here is called generative. This style supports and challenges you in generating new options and possibilities for you as an individual. We use our proprietary assessment instrument, the in8model® to guide us through this process. The outcome of this section of coaching is for you to generate new possibilities for your life. This comes about when you develop new neuronal pathways and greater neural plasticity. You will view life (both internal and external to you) in a different way and have new and improved options for playing the ‘game of life’. This coaching is tailored around, your personal values, beliefs and goals. We are here to understand you and where you are coming from and then map a way forward so that we can partner you in your journey of discovery and accomplishment.
Chiropractic practice is a science and an art being expressed through a philosophy, both of the profession but more importantly of you. For practice to be truly satisfying it must be a true expression of who YOU are. It must resonate with YOUR values. This section of coaching is focused on ensuring that your highest clinical outcomes are obtained. That what you say and what you do is congruent. Here we also focus on your business, ensuring that you are running an effective and profitable enterprise, whether you are an associate, a sole practitioner or run a multi practitioner or multi practice business. The outcome here is to ensure that you have congruent systems and procedures in place so that there is consistency in your operation.
You do not act in isolation. Your team includes your practice members as well as you CAs and any other practitioners in your practice. One of humanity’s greatest challenges is the act of communicating thoughts, ideas and feelings from one person to another. One of the most common reasons for chiropractors to have mediocre practices, dysfunctional team dynamics and even messy court or registration board cases is poor communication. This area of coaching is designed to refine your skills in connecting with others. Here we address education, referral skills, communication and influence patterns. Your improved connection gives you a greater appreciation of others uniqueness and enables them to enrol more easily in your vision. All of our coaches are certified in advanced communication technologies so you will receive endless skills in this area.
The primary outcome of Quest Chiropractic Coaching is to produce what we refer to as ‘wayshowers’. A wayshower is a person who is an influential source of change for humanity. The method of wayshowers is beyond leadership in that a wayshower is willing to tread the unfamiliar path of life’s experience without fear or favour and share his/her insights with others without attachment to the outcome. A wayshower possesses unconditional acceptance and respect of others and at the same time is focused on creating a bigger context that provides the greater good for all. A wayshower’s purpose is to create more wayshowers. Quest’s record of developing the wayshower that is within all of us is self-evident with Quest members or alumni filling key positions in chiropractic organizations globally.
We have a significant depth of experience in our team and we know that we can prevent you from making mistakes that cost you in time and money. This is nothing compared to the lost opportunities of not being of service to countless thousands of people in your community.
As I said at the beginning of this article there is a push towards Quest and its services and if you would like to speak with us about your needs then take us up on our offer of a FREE 30 minute consult where we will give you 4 things that you can change right now to enhance yourself and your practice.
We look forward to hearing from you.