This is a series of thoughts addressing the theme of excellence based on a famous quote from Rita Mae Brown, the American novelist and activist. She stated that “You cannot invest your life’s spirit into a compromise” and over the next few weeks I want to visit some of the key components of this viewpoint and how it relates to your practice.
You have a huge life spirit just itching to get out and express. The power and wisdom within you is immense. Your ability to create and manifest that which you commit to with love and passion is massive.
Are you playing the game of practice in the safe, secure and sensible world? Are you practicing defensively – unwilling to commit yourself and your talents in chiropractic to produce structural and functional change – to facilitate total change in a person’s life? Are you afraid that people may not accept you or agree with you? Are you scared that if you recommended the appropriate care you will scare people away?
Or, are you playing the game of chiropractic out loud – committing to be your very best – constantly up skilling and retraining in your philosophy, science and art as well as speaking your truth to the world?
This week review your commitments to yourself and your profession and take them to the level that you can dedicate your life spirit to.