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Burnout Buster – 4 Simple Steps To Keep Passion In Your Practice

Today we are talking about Burnout Busting.

If you want a copy of the checklist click here https://app.questchiropracticcoaching.com/burnout-buster

Many Chiropractors feel frustrated and unfulfilled. The feeling that “I am not where I thought that I would be by now” is a common feeling. Some chiropractors are in that state right from graduation.
That is really sad. In fact, many don’t recover from the trauma of chiropractic college. Many are considering leaving the profession.
Have you ever reached a ‘glass ceiling’ where it just seems like nothing you do can make a difference? You know that you can do more, have more, serve more. You know that you are playing way below what you are capable of.
The feeling of frustration is strong but nothing seems to shift. Doing all the wiz- bang seminars and courses with their tricks and tactics that promise to bring fame and fortune in 2 minutes flat just aren’t sustainable.
BUT things stay the same.
They feel like they are drowning in all the problems of a struggling practice. Often still owing a significant amount of college debt, always needing more New Patients and resenting the hours spent with unappreciative patients who leave just as soon as they feel better.
When it comes to so-called burnout many chiropractors make a big mistake. They think that burnout is from too many options, too much to focus on, too much work and not enough rest or maybe too many problems.
The reaction is to pull back, downsize, go to the beach, reduce problems, get a day job, change professions, go back to university etc.
I suggest that it is the opposite. Not enough options, not enough to focus on, not enough work/too much rest and not enough problems.
As they say. If you want something done, give it to a busy person.
Let’s look at it with the in8model
A well-defined future vision = hope and inspiration
A clear direction
A defined mission
Strategies – Clear roles and responsibilities,
Time management systems (default diary)
Clear goals and objectives,
A roadmap for growth, and regularly reviewing progress,
Continuous learning and professional development,
Constant skills development
The excitement of the impact being made.
A culture of open and transparent communication – Strong relationships with their team members and patients.
Embracing Change
Reinventing – Going bigger, better, faster, different
Doing Not Me – Breaking the mould/identity
You can not shrink yourself to greatness
You are here to shine and your own pity party wont grow you
You have a huge gift for humanity so nurture the excitement of the impact that you are making.
This not only prevents burnout but also ensures long-term success and well-being in the profession.
When the real cause of burnout is identified and dealt with the result will be significant. An increase in activity, possibility, productivity, and more time, money and joy.
So next time you find yourself telling yourself or others that you are in burnout, know there is another dimension to this state that can be very productive to lean into the state that will take you to the next level.
If you want to develop a Burnout Buster strategy with us then
Click here and we can jump on a call together ⤵️