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Be a Go-Giver

By Chiropractic Journey, Communication, Tips & Guides
When it comes to success, many chiropractors need to correct this mistake. They think that the game of business (and indeed, life) is to ‘get’ as much as they can as quickly as possible to have everything they need and then retire early to enjoy it. It sounds sensible, but It’s a big mistake, especially for chiropractors. You see, chiropractors follow the law of the land rather than the law of the city. Every farmer knows that the consequence of...
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Progressive Report of Findings

By History of Chiropractic, Tips & Guides, Your Practice
Today we are talking about The Simple Progressive Report of Findings System A super simple conversation system – say less and have people ascend more. If you want a copy of the worksheet click here.  Progressive exams and reports mark the completion of a phase of care and lead to the next phase of the journey and they are really important. When it comes to guiding practice members through their care many chiropractors are amazing at the report of findings....
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Educating A Lot With A Little

By Communication, How we can help, Inspiration
This week, we are calling out chiropractors who think that when it comes to building a profitable practice where people get the chiropractic narrative and use chiropractic for a lifetime they have to be silver tongued persuaders who sell people into doing what they don't want to do. They feel that if they aren’t ‘talking the ‘tic’ the the practice won’t grow. ‘It sounds logical, but it’s a huge mistake because when you are continually giving information (and heaven forbid,...
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4 Simple Steps to Stop New Patients From Quitting Care

By Chiropractic Journey, Philosophy
Today we’re talking about ‘The 4 Simple Steps to STOP new patients from quitting care when their presenting complaint disappears’. AND it takes less than 1 minute. People have beliefs around what chiropractic is and does. These beliefs will dictate the person’s behaviours and their habits. These habits have created the way that they do health care. Most are rigid and are hard to shift BUT some can be changed. By the way there’s a worksheet that we are giving...
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How to Grow Your Practice by Taking Time Off

By Associate Practice, Tips & Guides
The sage advice from antiquity of ‘If you are failing to plan you are planning to fail’ is as true today as it was when it was first uttered. When it comes to your chiropractic practice growth there must be a plan. One of the most neglected plans for  practice owners and associates alike is that of planned time off.  Mary, a coaching client of ours, had been 20 years in practice working 5 days a week and reluctantly taking...
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4 Simple Stats Every Practice Must Measure for Growth

By Tips & Guides
When it comes to tracking your stats and numbers, many Chiropractors track too few statistics while some track way too many. You weren’t trained as a business analyst or accountant so how are you to know what to track? But your statistics are a measure of your results in the real world, your impact on your community and the health of your business. Hiding away from them is not useful and neither is drowning in them. Instead of hiding away,...
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4 Simple Steps to Earn More and Work Less

By Tips & Guides
If you’ve ever been told that time is your most precious commodity or that time = money – you’ve been told wrong. When you make the time = money mistake, you work harder and end up enjoying what you do less. You might make more money, but your satisfaction goes down. You become time poor, feel like you’re juggling, lack focus and experience overwhelm. This myth holds many Chiropractors back from the business and personal prosperity they deserve, and  ...
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1st Visit 10x’s The Report Of Findings Every Time

By Tips & Guides
If you don’t have an Opportunities Report in your practice, you will probably be struggling with these 4 big problems; New patients are just concerned with their presenting complaint New patients think that all you care about is their current problem New patients think that you just crack backs for short term relief New patients just want to get out of your practice as soon as possible (By the way there’s a Procedural Guide that we are giving out. If...
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Agreements Rule Practices

By Chiropractic Journey

All relationships begin with an agreement. Your relationship with your practice member is no different. The agreements that you and your team make when a practice member first enters your doors significantly sets the stage for their journey with you. A journey that may span many weeks, years or even a lifetime. In my experience agreements can be tricky. What happens with most chiropractors is that many of the agreements are assumed. Often the chiropractor assumes that the person wants…

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Freeing Slaves

By Chiropractic Journey, Communication, Philosophy

You have ideas, services and products that you know can really help people and I bet that you are frustrated by the fact that all too often people just don’t seem to get it. Is it that people don’t seem to be willing to even entertain that what you have is something that could help them? Are they so stuck in their beliefs that they can’t stretch themselves to risk thinking that they are able to receive and attain something…

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People or Problems

By Chiropractic Journey, Philosophy

During our undergraduate years most of our time and energy is spent learning the ‘hard’ sciences of anatomy, neurology, biochemistry and spinal biomechanics. We eagerly focus on the skills and techniques that address the malfunctions that have produced the people’s maladies. Over my career as a chiropractor, principle to many associates and coach to a large numbers of chiropractors, I have noticed a pattern. New graduates have a major focus on the ‘problem’ that the person has, whether an allopathic…

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The Great Expectations Trap

By Associate Practice, Communication, Tips & Guides

Expectations that others do or be what you expect of them is a sure-fire way to frustration, low performance and shattered relationships in your practice, your team and community. Hardly a day goes by when Quest Coaching doesn’t field a call from a stressed out chiropractor or associate regarding the sorry state that their relationship is in. (It is usually at a crisis point). At the root of these in almost every case is failed expectations. It can be principals,…

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