Practice and life can feel like a series of high wire trapeze swings. Imagine yourself hanging tightly on to a trapeze bar swinging backwards and forwards and then for a few moments, at a time, letting go and hurtling through space and navigating your outstretched hands to grasp on to another trapeze bar swinging towards you? Most of the time we are tightly hanging on to our trapeze-bar-of-the-moment. It carries you along at a certain steady rate of swing and…
The next few blogs will focus on the topic of transformation. When we consider the dictionary definition of transformation we find words like – change in form, appearance, nature or character. The operative work here is change. Transformation is the process of change across form – or from one form to another. What you experienced yesterday is gone because the world changes every day. Your body changes. People change. Weather changes. Relationships change. Prices change. Emotions change. Circumstances change. Practices…
When a person is on a mission they can move the world. History is filled with people who got amazing things done. They didn’t necessarily have greater intellect or talent than anyone else but they did have a strong sense of mission – Elan Musk threw everything into his space program and failed twice. He could have given up but he went a third time and succeeded. When you think of the Musk’s or the Branson’s of the world how…
Much is spoken about the importance of harmony in a team of people. If harmony is not appreciated for what it is it can often be sought at great cost. The cost of attaining harmony can lower productivity, lower creativity, lower attractiveness and even lower harmony itself – what an oxymoron! There is a certain drive within all existence to seek harmony and its paradoxical as to how harmony can be amplified. It was Doug Floyd who is quoted as…
As I write this I am sitting in the passenger’s seat of a shuttle being driven from Summit County in the Rockies of Colorado to the Denver airport. I was engrossed in banging away on my keyboard for some time and then looked up at the road ahead and immediately went into confusion mode. We are on the ‘wrong’ side of the road, and so are the opposing cars I thought. I momentarily went into high alert. I had dived…
I’m currently in Orlando, Florida. The purpose of the trip is to attend a conference and it happens to be at the Disneyworld Resort complex. One thing that is evident from the first phone call to the hotel reservations and on through the experience is that it is an ‘experience’ every step of the way. The Disney culture is not just in the Park, every team member or cast member as they refer to themselves is part of the culture…
Drifting aimlessly through life being subject to varying winds, currents, circumstances, opinions, events, people, situations is not a very useful way to live. The chances of being in the right place at the right time to partake in the magic of life is severely limited if you don’t have an outcome. Many chiropractors are not clear on their outcomes. There is little attention paid to the direction that they want to go with their practice, let alone their life, finances…
Relationships are such because of the operative word ‘relate’. This word brings with it such phenomena as understanding, affinity, appreciation, tolerance, cooperation and collaboration. To relate is to be able to step into another person’s reality – To walk in their ‘shoes’ – to understand things from their perspective. When people are in a relationship there is relating going on at many levels. The net effect of high level relating is agreement. Agreement is a shared energy that bonds atoms,…
Investigation is a natural state for chiropractors. Our work tests our curiosity and inquisitiveness about the world and invokes an intense wonder about the functioning of natural processes. Chiropractors are willing to think outside the box – to go against conventional thought and group think. Chiropractic is a disruptive movement that questions everything. It’s not a vocation, it’s a lifestyle that sees the world in unique ways. Not willing to suffer the status quo, chiropractors have a preference for the…
The journey of life is the journey of discovery. Take a minute to observe a child being a child in their natural state. Their absorbent mind is filled with curiosity for its environment and everything in it from a scratch on his skin to a fly on the wall to the movement of a pea on her dinner plate. There is a constant source of wonder, fascination and discovery. They notice, they explore, they test and then move on when…
What you believe affects your perception, your biology, your results and even matter itself. Belief creates your personal reality. This is a unique worldview where often what is true is only true for you and yet often you can fall into the trap of assuming that it is true for others also. I think of beliefs as bar codes – just like those parallel lines on a supermarket package which identify the product within. If you change one of the…
In accordance with your philosophy and your critical reasoning process you will reach a point in your journey when you are confronted with the question of “how do I apply my philosophy to this situation”? This brings up the question around what are your roles and responsibilities? Whilst a role is a process for doing something, for example, adjusting, it has little impact or effectiveness on your results unless it is firmly tied to and congruent with your philosophy. A…